6th - 12th Grade

Sunday Mornings | Middle School Bible Study at 9:45am - 10:15am

Wednesday Nights Collide & Collide Jr. meet at 6:30pm (during school year)

Collide & Collide Jr. are the youth programs for middle and high school students at New Hope.
Both are designed to meet each age group where they are at in life. Beyond having fun together, students are given the opportunity to grow in their faith as they ask questions, challenge each other, and share their faith with peers.


Youth in 6th - 8th grade are a part of Collide Jr. Many students begin to find themselves faced with questions and life circumstances previously hidden from their view. Because of this, we believe it is healthy to see students start asking questions about the meanings of their faith. At New Hope, our goal is to reinforce the teachings of parents; helping students begin to understand the meaning of what they previously learned while giving them guided opportunities to live out their faith. 

Youth in 9th - 12th grade are a part of Collide Jr. High school students experience a type of freedom that was still absent during middle school. In this freedom, the voice of popular culture calls students towards immediate pleasure and personal satisfaction. This, however, is the opposite of what Jesus calls us to and it ultimately does not lead to real and lasting satisfaction. Instead, we are most satisfied when God is most glorified through us. At New Hope, we want to work in conjunction with parents to see high school students begin to seek after God and His leading in deeper personal devotion to him.

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